In many places of the Spanish geography this type of celebrations or lots bullfighting popular is an affirmation and survival of a tradition that is cyclically celebrated and, at the same time rejuvenates each year, like the Phoenix that is reborn from its ashes. The people are what make it possible for the feast, the feast as catharsis, entertainment as an escape valve or a manifestation of the spontaneous..., the pleasure collective, of which speak to us Caro Baroja.
The rite originating whose protagonist is the bull, has been subjected to a certain deformation and to rebuild their primitive character, we have to stick first to the existing documentation on the same, historiando as far as possible, despite the limited that are sources in a few moments. A second step to address the issue would be whether competition of ethnologists, anthropologists, and scholars of the táurico. It is from the knowledge of our history and traditions as we understand and value our identity as a human community. Maintain at least the components unique and indigenous to the feast, would certainly be a good way to come closer to the meaning that had origin and during several centuries this tradition.
The bull enmaromado, ensogado or string, so it is known by different names depending on the areas where it is still celebrated, is one of the lots bullfighting oldest and most popular extended by the Spanish geography. In fact, many lucks or modalities bullfighting virtually disappeared, in the case of the bull rope, ensogados or enmaromados, which were in the past very widespread throughout the country, although only they in some localities where it was more deeply rooted within this tradition, as is the case of Benavente.
We know from the documentation that the bull enmaromado are elected or selected from the SEVENTEENTH century by some commissioners who were moving on to the pastures. Among them were the rulers of parties, as in the expenditure items of the parties shall reflect the amounts paid by the diets and tips to the foreman and a pair of jeans that drove up the res and shut up in the bullpen for those dates. In terms of the enmaromadores del toro is known from the references that they were understood or experts on the subject and livestock that belonged to the sagas family of butchers of the town, as at times their names appear. It has been shown in the last decades of the NINETEENTH century the families of butchers of the town, such as the Garrets, the Aguilar Navarro, etc With regard to the flesh of the bull know what, at the time of the last decades of the NINETEENTH century, used to be distributed on a pound of meat to each one of the poor or needy, because the situation of the municipal finance had improved and was no longer necessary to compensate for this cost through its sale, and once slaughtered, the butchers. As for the bullpen or chiquero in 1894 for the first time you build a chiquero “to enclose the toro bravo” in order to avoid acometiese the rest of the cattle.
The Festivals of the “Bull Enmaromado” and its components are in short holiday with some characteristics of its own, the fruit of the process and historical development of Benavente, and that respond to the traditions and idiosyncrasies of its people. This celebration is due to a very ancient tradition taurine of popular character, as it is well known that the celebrations and bullfights are from time immemorial one of the events of the most deeply rooted of all the year. The Bull Enmaromado of Benavente instituted in the SEVENTEENTH century, is without doubt one of the parties most deeply rooted in the sentiments of the population. There are numerous avatars or events for which the party has had to wait for more than three centuries (wars, revolutions, political and economic crises, administrative bans, etc), however. there continues despite countless setbacks and obstacles that throughout history have been presented, thanks to the tenacity and will of the benaventanos.
Hemos de tener en cuenta que las fiestas tradicionales forman también parte del substrato humano, del legado histórico y del acervo cultural de esta tierra. Por ello esfuerzos en el mantenimiento de esta celebración que forma parte de un legado que debe ocupar el lugar que siempre le ha correspondido, como digno que es de ser conservado y transmitido con la pujanza, esplendor y vitalidad hasta la actualidad ha gozado en esta ciudad y región. Por ello presentamos a continuación una relación cronológica sobre la historia de esta fiesta y las gestiones institucionales de todo orden que se han debido llevar a cabo para su legalización y su promoción.
The Bull Enmaromado of Benavente is a link that is part of the long and varied string of rites and festivities where the figure of the bull is the main element. In some cases these lots bullfighting popular have arrived with full force in our days. Part of the cultural transmission from parents to children, the fruit of the desire and need to teach and experience in the new generations in the rituals of every community or group of people. To do so is in itself a variety of games to emulate the career of running and runners.
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