Our History
Chronology of the Feast of the Bull Enmaromado
A journey in Time through the history of Benavente, Festivals and the celebration of the Framed Bull.

From this year documented the celebration of various festivals or lots bullfighting in the town of Benavente. The running bulls or bull running through the streets, mainly on the occasion of the festivities of San Juan (June 24), Our Lady (15 August) and Saint Peter (29 June).

On the occasion of the visits of the various kings and important figures invited by the counts of Benavente is held at the Castle of la Mota sumptuous festivities were held in the same whose festivities typically include various lots taurines or Games of bulls. One of the first representations or illustrations on the feasts of the bulls is precisely a painting attributed to the flemish painter Jacob van Laethem of the retinue of Philip the HandsomeCastle of the Follie, Ecaussines (Belgium) entitled Running of the bulls at Benavente in honor of Philip the Handsomemade in 1506.

Some brotherhoods benaventanas, as the titled of Mercy, organized parties of bulls to raise money for their charitable works. It is one of the oldest documents kept in Benavente on these games, or celebrations is a Royal Provision of doña Juana I de Castilla, dated 1516. The same is ordered to the bishop Fonseca that make valuation of the property of the guilds, hospitals, the votes of bulls and shows of the villa, not to commit abuses in the collection of duties imposed in these celebrations by the commissioners of bulls of the Holy Cross.

It is documented on the occasion of the visit to the village of Benavente and his castle - palace by Prince Felipe (future Felipe II) to the town of Benavente on his trip to England the celebration of a bull enmaromado within the various festivities and lots bullfighting with the future monarch was feted during your stay.

It is documented for the first time the fact that it begins to designate the running of the eve of the Corpus with the term “bull”, though on several occasions and in subsequent years will see the running referred to interchangeably with the terms: ox, bull, and even steer.

Seems to be specifically linked to the bull enmaromado to the figure of the required supply of meat (person to whom it is granted for a period of one year, the supply to the villa). In the stems to the concession includes the obligation to provide the running for the eve of the Corpus.

The city Council is responsible entirely cover the cost of the bull enmaromado.

It is urged for the first time to obtain the authorization of the Civil Governor of the province for the celebration of the feast of the Bull Enmaromado.
The town Hall begins to load as required to meet the expenditure of the bull enmaromado the tenant of consumption and means of the villa.

The Municipal Corporation agrees to distribute the meat of the bull enmaromado among the poor of the town in place of subastarla as it was until then usual.

Remembers the construction of a chiquero in the pens of the slaughter of the village, specifically aimed at the bull that has been running enmaromado the eve of the Corpus.

On the occasion of the war in Cuba and the Philippines agreed by the city council, the suppression of the celebration of the bull Enmaromado, but a group of benaventanos by particular initiative you decide sufragarlo and organize it.

Decree of The minister Cierva banning bullfighting by the public, among them the bulls enmaromados.

Recovers after thirty years of interruption, the celebration of the Bull Enmaromado on the eve of the Corpus. The benaventanos older age had to train the young men to carry out the career of a bull after so many years of interruption of the celebration.

The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Benavente made representations to the Directorate General of Tourism to include the Feasts of Corpus christi and the feast of the “Bull Enmaromado” in the Tourist Calendar of Spain.
The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Benavente handles the editing of a tourist brochure for the promotion of the city of Benavente, which makes express mention in the section on fairs and festivals of the Celebration of the “Bull Enmaromado”. The texts are entrusted to the professor D. Francisco Ynduraín (professor of Linguistics and Spanish Literature, Premio Príncipe de Viana).

The Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Benavente charge a literary script for the realization of a documentary about the Feast of the “Bull Enmaromado”
It takes place on the official authorization and administrative by record government for the celebration of the Bull Enmaromado, which until then only was “de facto”.
The Excmo. city Council collaborates in the work related to the project of promotion of the tourism sector in the province of Zamora and the dissemination of their traditional values and ethnography, among them the celebration of the “Bull Enmaromado” in Benavente.
The career of the bull enmaromado is replaced by the so-called “running of the Bulls of the Corpus.
The Excmo. town Hall on the grounds of the Order of September 30 1964 in the Ministry of Information and Tourism, starts to arrange for obtaining the designation honorific of “a Festival of Tourist Interest” for the Feast of the “Bull Enmaromado” of Benavente. In compliance with article two of this call the Corporation in the Ordinary Session of the 15th day of January of 1965, agreed to increase the instance of the Ministry for the obtaining of such denomination.
The Excmo. city Council makes an effort for the promotion of the Feasts of Corpus christi and the Feast of the “Bull Enmaromado” through the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Information and Tourism.
It restores the traditional celebration of the career of the Bull Enmaromado.

The Department of Culture of the Excmo. city Council initiated the drafting of a docket to obtain the declaration of Festival of Regional Tourist Interest, to the celebration of the “Bull Enmaromado”.

With date of February 28, the ministry of Development of the Junta de Castilla y León declares Festival of Regional Tourist Interest the Feast of the Bull Enmaromado” de Benavente (Zamora).
Dated 20 June, the feast of the Bull Enmaromado of Benavente gets the recognition and naming of Festejo Taurino Traditional by the Junta de Castilla y León.
The Plenary of the City council, in a session held on the 8th of June, agreed unanimously to approve the initial Regulatory Bases of the development of the celebration of the Bull Enmaromado and of its variant of the Bulls of the Dawn.
With date of march 13, the ministry of Presidency and Territorial Administration of the Junta de Castilla y León declares Show Taurine Traditional to the so-called “Toritos del Alba”within the cycle of feasts of the show's traditional “Bull Enmaromado.”

The department of Tourism of Castilla y León declares to the Festivities of the Veguilla character Regional Tourism, which includes among its components the traditional Act the Request of the Bull Enmaromado.
The Municipality of Benavente refers to the application file to the declaration of the Feast of the Bull Enmaromado of National Tourist Interest.

On January 26, the Ministry of Tourism communicates the breach of the requirements set forth to declare a “Fiesta of National Tourist Interest” to the celebration of the “Bull Enmaromado of Benavente,” not to complete the 20 promotional activities required in publications or broadcasts in media of national circulation.

It is inaugurated the monument to the “Bull Enmaromado of Benavente”, the work of the artist Pedro Requejo Novoa, to be installed in the access roundabout to the city in the Plaza de la Soledad.

Outside of the traditional career of the Bull Enmaromado and character of exceptionality is held at Benavente the “XI National Congress of the Bulls of Rope”.

The city's candidacy to the newly created Award for “Bullfight of the Community of Castile and León”.
Benavente continues with its Fairs and Festivals of Bull Enmaromado, working in the statement of the Party of National Tourist Interest.