El Prólogo: Fiestas de La Veguilla
Las Fiestas de la Veguilla de Benavente, declaradas de Interés Turístico Regional, son las festivities held in honor of the Virgen de la Vega.
La celebración se realiza el lunes siguiente al lunes de Pascua (lunes de aguas o lunes de Pascuilla en algunas localidades). In this festival is done from decades ago tradicional petición del Toro Enmaromado, siendo este el Prólogo o antesala de nuestras Fiestas del Toro Enmaromado, las cuáles se celebrarán 51 días después.
The source de las Fiestas de la Veguilla de Benavente lo encontramos en una romería para efectuar un voto a la Virgen, por lo que tuvo durante varios siglos un carácter eminentemente religioso. Sin embargo, contaba con otros aspectos más profanos como concentraciones populares (petición del toro enmaromado),distribución de alimentos (bread), verbenas, y otra serie de festejos que se fueron agregando y conformando con el paso de los años hasta dar forma a las fiestas actuales y sus principales actos:
The Request of the Bull Enmaromado
The square and the town Hall are decorated especially for The Festivities of la Veguilla de Benavente, to go to the Rocks with their flags and emblems flying from the balconies of the Consistory.
The plaza vibrates to the full during the traditional request, insisting in a series of messages, petitions, among which stands out for its reiteration:

The Bread of the Veguilla
Small piece of white bread about 250 grams with a hallmark manufactured by the different local bakeries.
During the years of the post-war civil Spanish, the bread was delivered by social assistance. For distribution were prepared lists of the needy and gave them a voucher for the removal of the bread. In the present time and for several decades, it is given to everyone who applies until you deplete stocks.
The Procession of the Virgen de la Vega
The Rocks Officers of the Bull Enmaromado of Benavente, carry on the shoulders of the Patron: The Virgen de la Vegathrough the streets of Benavente.
Está tradicional procesión, se realiza cada año el día de La Veguilla por la mañana y marca el comienzo de un día intenso de hermandad, cultura y tradición.

Coronación de Representantes de la Juventud y de la Infancia
Esta costumbre tiene su origen en 1964, cuando se eligió a la primera reina y damas de las fiestas del Corpus. Desde 1974 esta elección y coronación se celebra todos los años con motivo de las fiestas de la Veguilla adaptada a los nuevos tiempos.
For this event were decked out especially the Teatro Reina Sofía with motifs alluding to the city, its festivals, its monuments, etc
Chronology of the Feast of the Veguilla
First references to the pilgrimage and procession of the Virgen de la Vega in the municipal records of the Council of Benavente
Begins to appear between the costs of parties to the Council of Benavente vote, pilgrimage and function of the Vega, to be held in the sanctuary of Cimanes by the town of Benavente.
Roots of the festival of Cimanes de la Vega. Reconstruction of the Chapel-Shrine of Cimanes under the patronage of the Counts of Benavente.
Because of the temporal and the idea of the paths begin to apply the commutations of the vote to make in the Sanctuary of Cimanes.
Prayer for calamity to make from the Chapel of Solitude, outside the walls of the villa de Benavente
Switching of the vote, which is true in this year in the Chapel of the Loneliness.
Commission of the guilds from Benavente to agree on prayer to the Virgen de la Vega.
Switching of the vote, which is celebrated this year in the Rosary Chapel of the Convent of Santo Domingo de Benavente.
Queries are made to the switching of the vote, and prayer by public calamity.
Harmony with the Cabildo of San Vicente de Benavente.
Real Provision and stagecoaches on the way to bring you and always carry that vote on it. Suit for restitution of the image of the Virgen de la Vega to his Sanctuary in the midst of the Council of Benavente and the other peoples of the vega.
Concordia on the prayer. Commutation of the vote.
Recognition of the Patronage of the Virgin of la Vega in the town of Benavente. Switching of the vote.
Petición de Conmutación y traslado del voto a la Ermita de la Soledad de Benavente, trasladando la pequeña imagen que de la Virgen de la Vega posee el Ayuntamiento en la Iglesia de San Nicolás en Benavente.
Restitution temporary vow at the shrine of Cimanes de la Vega, suppressed by the city Council prior Constitutional.
Transfer of the religious function and the image in procession to St. Mary of the Quicksilver in Benavente to greater solemnity.
Agreement between the Municipality of Benavente and the Cabildo mayor of St. Vincent on the switching and order to celebrate this villa the vow to the Virgen de la Vega.
Repair of the litter of silver of the procession of Corpus Christi for carrying in procession of the Patron saint.
The Corporation distributes alms to the needy of the Village on the occasion of the celebration of the feast of the Patron saint.
Approval of the regulations of the Association Pious of Our Lady of la Vega for the restoration of the vote in Cimanes de la Vega.
The department of Tourism of Castilla y León declares to the Festivities of the Veguilla character Regional Tourism, which includes among its components the traditional Act the Request of the Bull Enmaromado.